1. https://www.ce.cit.tum.de/en/lkn/student-thesis/thesis-presentation-templates/writing-your-thesis/

  2. Templates

    1. https://github.com/ls1intum/thesis-template-typst
    2. https://github.com/TUM-Dev/tum-thesis-latex
      1. This template does not have TUM logo. Is it fine to do not include the TUM logo in our master thesis?
      2. It is fine, but you can get the logo elsewhere
    3. (check by search “this doesn't have any logo right?” → logos from Mykola)
      1. Is the TUM Info logo still used on the cover and title page or is there a new CIT logo?
      2. I've heard there is no new logo yet, so the old one should still be used
    4. https://www.in.tum.de/en/in/current-students/administrative-matters/thesis-guidelines-and-topics/ (see formatting instructions)
    5. https://www.ce.cit.tum.de/en/lkn/student-thesis/thesis-presentation-templates/
  3. is it required to have abstract in both english and german?

    1. I believe so
    2. https://www.cit.tum.de/fileadmin/w00byx/cit/Studium/Im_Studium/Thesis/TUM_The_Use_of_English_in_Thesis_Titles_at_TUM.pdf
  4. Hey everyone, is there a website or smth where I can check out master's thesises from previous students?

    1. Not very user friendly but .. https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1688956 You could select the school on the Left and filter this way
    2. https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/node?id=69514&change_language=en
  5. Might be a dumb question, but those who already wrote their thesis, did you write it in first person or in third person?

    1. Rather like this: In this section, I will explain what graph reordering is, why we use this technique, and how we can measure the effectiveness of different graph reordering schemes.

      Or like this: This section explains what graph reordering is, why it's useful, and how to measure its effectiveness.

      Normally you use passive voice And if not then instead of "we" you should one, e.g. why one uses this technique And also never use First person "I"

    2. two of the best things you can do: ask your advisor and look up a random sample of papers from arxiv

      (the latter you'll do as part of your thesis anyway)

    you will find that most recent publications use active voice. passive is very popular among students for whatever reason, I guess because it pads the word count and obfuscates the core argument :)

    as for "I" vs "we" for single-author papers: the proper way to go about it is to use "we" to refer to yourself and the reader, and "I" everywhere else where that wouldn't make sense

    though nowadays you can see some papers that exclusively use "we", and others that don't bother and use "I" even where "we" would fit

    again, look at recent publications and learn from the masters

  6. Hey. Does anyone know where the name of the company you did thesis with has to be written in the thesis?

    1. I don't think that's a requirement at all. Look here for all details: https://www.cit.tum.de/en/cit/studies/students/thesis-completing-your-studies/informatics/ List your supervisor and professor, company maybe in the acknowledgment section.
    2. Hey everyone, is it standard practice to add code snippets to the thesis? I have seen both in different thesis and was wondering if there's something 'official' about it?
      1. I don't know about guidelines, but I highly recommend only linking the repository or using the Appendix. If you have to elaborate code segments, you can do that semantically (e.g. with pseudocode), but if it is language-specific/the code is necessary, use a snippet... that would be my recommendation, sorry if it doesn't help and you really wanted to get sth official :/
  7. Hi. Is there a template for the cover page with the new name: CIT School?

    1. Or are we allowed to keep the former template: DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN Master’s Thesis in Informatics
  8. I know this question has already been asked but what is the required number of pages for the master thesis (incl./excl. non content) ? And is it written on a webpage of the TUM ? I’ve read about 50-60, but it’s not specific and there is no reference to an official TUM source

    1. There actually is no official rule but if it's clearly too short you might get worse grading. Make sure you don't forget about any section (discuss the structure with your advisor) but otherwise no TUM guideline for it.
  9. quick question, how do I submit the code of my thesis? There are no indications for it

    1. Make it opensource and add a GitHub link in your thesis
    2. Otherwise, like Always, ask your advisor… 1.