1. hey, about the thesis submission, you can only handle it between the 1-15 of each month? are the offices closed outside that dates?
    1. Yes, only on the 15th from 10 am - 1 pm
  2. Hello everyone, if the thesis submission occurs on 16th day of the month, submission date should be 16th Or 15th(official date) ?
    1. Your official deadline should be the 16th nevertheless
    2. I did you mean 15th?
    3. No, your deadline should be the 16th if 15th is a Sunday
    4. In my case the 15th was Saturday and the secretary of the examination board, bachelor said that i should put the15th there and not the 17th.
  3. What happens if I submit my thesis on the 16th? Does it simply count as the 15th of the next month?
    1. You don't have to hand in your thesis at a specific day of the month. But you can only register your thesis at the 15th of each month, so your deadline will be a 15th as well. If you submit your thesis at the 16th your submission day will be the 16th. You are fine as long as your submission date is before your deadline.
    2. Afaik if your submission date is on the weekend, you can submit the next working day. So u can print it out on Monday and send directly But better double check the website
      1. Just double checked on the website and this is right! I think you can go in person between 10 am and 1 pm and hand it in then. So I think that might be enough time to print it and then hand it in?
  4. What can I do if I am not available on the 15th to submit my thesis? How can I submit earlier?
    1. Post your thesis hardcopy via mail.
  5. Hey everyone, I sent my thesis by post, but forgot to sign the acknowledgment 😔, is it possible to make an appointment to sign it? I am worried that my submission is considered as invalid and I cannot pass the thesis for that
    1. This is indeed an invalid submission. I am not sure if it's possible to ask them if you can sign it, but even if that's the case, it's likely by the time your request is processed that you can no longer submit your thesis next Monday. If you can submit it next month then you can do this. Otherwise I would not take any risks and print it again early in the morning on Monday and send it again! Good luck.
    2. I sent mine without the signature in August and they told me to send them that page + the signature only (not to reprint the entire thesis) (and they also told me not to worry because it was marked as received anyway, so there was no danger of missing the deadline or anything). But check with them again just to be sure
  6. Has anyone missed the deadline 8 day prior to the 15th of the month for registering the thesis? And if yes, did it get accepted or did you have problems? Thanks
    1. I had the same situation last month and it was no problem (I submitted the form 3 days before the 15th).
    2. My thesis deadline is 15 August according to TUMOnline. But on the CIT website, they mention 16 August as next official submission date. And I missed the previous submission date of July. What should I do in this case? Is sending thesis by post before 15th the only option now?
      1. 15th is a holiday so submission is 16th
  7. I heard time extension by one month is always accepted. What about more, as two months? I had a very hard start, The first 3 months were software Installation and getting a robot to work. Is this a valid reason?
    1. What I've heard is that if your prof thinks it's a valid reason, it'll be accepted by the examination committee
  8. Hi, does anyone know when is the latest my supervisor has to enter my grade for the thesis in the system so that I graduate SoSe 23?
    1. Up to 5 weeks into the next semester I think
  9. Is there a deadline (for the advisors/supervisors) to submit the grade for the thesis after thesis defence by the student is done?
    1. Officially two months but you have to enforce it
  10. Hey guys, is it possible to drop the thesis in Main campus as well or de we have to drop it in MI building as mentioned in the informatics thesis submission guidelines ?
    1. I dropped it in the MI building. The room is usually closed outside 15th at the exact time, but you can leave it beforehand at one of the secretaries if you can't be there at the designated time
  11. someone told me that also but then why in the webpage says it can be submitted earlier? that got me confused
    1. If you want to submit earlier, you have to send by post.
    2. I was also considering the same idea. So, if I mail it and it arrives before the 15th of the month, the professor could receive it earlier, correct? Did anyone try this to get grades earlier?
    3. You can send it to the professor in any way you want, it doesn't have to be through the same mailing method. I just sent a PDF to my Prof way in advance to get the grade (at least verbally). The mailing is just for TUM secretary bureaucracy to have a fact of concrete submission date
    4. Basically you mailing/submitting you thesis at 15th creates an exam node in the internal system for the professor to fill with your grade
    5. and so you know if you actually can just send it to your supervisisor and defend it before the 15th of the next month? like in terms of bureocracy be registered after the date you actually defend it?
      1. Yes, just remind your Prof to put the grade
      2. My Prof said that it is a tradition to defend after having a submission party, but there's nothing mandatory
  12. Hey! My thesis advisor has submitted by grade for the thesis a week ago. But the grade is not updated in the TUM Online portal. How much time does it take usually? Do I need to contact anyone for getting it updated or should I just wait?
    1. For me after my supervisor told me my grade it took 1-2 days to appear in tumonline and it appeared as final grade from the start, no “in progress”
  13. Hi everyone, I just submitted my master thesis by mail to the address mentioned in this webpage : https://www.in.tum.de/in/fuer-studierende/services-einrichtungen-it/infopoint/ . Do you know if after the reception I will get a confirmation from the university’s part. And how much time does it usually take to graduate after the submission. I would like to start a full time job but I will need a blue card and that I need a certificat from TUM that I fulfilled all the graduation’s requirements
    1. I don’t think u had to send it per email, only physical copy U’ll see in tumonline the submission date How long highly depends on how fast your supervisor corrects it and gives u a grade
  14. I want to send my thesis by post. Does anyone know where can I buy an envelope large enough for the thesis? I checked the post office near my apartment, and they only had the small ones
    1. I bought a set of bigger envelopes from a normal schreibwaren-shop (small thingy with all types of stuff like lotto tickets and toys and pens where you can also leave your dhl packages)
  15. Is it possible to submit the thesis early in person? Or is there maybe some post box somewhere in Garching where I could just drop it?
    1. I mailed my bachelor thesis by post but I'm not sure that it works anymore (it was during corona)
    2. You should open the guidelines in the department website
  16. Hey, is it ok to submit the thesis by post earlier than 15th of the month? i know that in person submission happens only on the 15th but the info about sending in by post is a bit unclear on their website
    1. In regulations it says that “early submission is possible”